Welcome to Save Our Planet !!
Come Share My Stories, Told Through Pictures
As an amateur photographer & poet, I will placing photos and poems on these pages to share with the world. We have such a beautiful planet, called the Earth, we must save it. We the people, must unite to stop global warming & polution. The U. S. is not exempt. Yes, from the poor to the rich, save Earth. We don't need clone ourselves !! We need to invest in our little world.
Yes, desagreements, will be here. We as humans must learn to share and say, NO MORE WARS !!!
Glimpses of the world........
We the people, must start protecting our planet. Like ride sharing, electric/ solar transportation, cut fossil fuel emmissions, wind power, etc. Tell those in the goverment you voted in, They're other ways to create energy. And not going to Alaska, to break a treaty, just for more oil !
What can one person do.......
It only takes one thought, one person, one idea, to change something. Example, the industrial reveloution, humans have ruined the air around the world. Think before you do, anything !
Or go to www.sirgrand.50megs.com or www.hikerdude.50megs.com, for more information and photos !

We all search in our hearts, from an early start
Learning about ourselves..enviroment..finding clues-
growing over the years, a good path for your chart ?
I can never stop learning, to much to learn & do !!

Questions? Ideas ! Messages are welcome.

How can you help ?
If you're interested, contact your local politician, and say, " We The People", must save our planet for future generations !! How, as a politician are you going to help save our planet Earth ??
And yes terrorism is a bad thing. But how many have to die to stop it. And when do those who try to stop terrorism, become terrorists, themselves ??

Let There Be Light
As this picture demonstrates, lighting can show the glory of the ordinary. For the best results, take pictures in the morning and evenings; the light at dawn and dusk brings depth and softness to objects and people.